Preparing for show days and viewings

How to prepare your property for a show day

Straighten up or remove newspapers, magazines, mail, toys, clothing, recreation gear, dishes etc. Ensure that every room in the property is neat and clean. Nothing makes a space look smaller than clutter.

Turn all the lights on, electric lights have an amazing capability for creating an illusion of lightness, airiness and space. Open all the curtains and blinds. Dark, gloomy spaces tend to make a space look smaller as well.

Make up the beds neatly and ensure there is nothing lying around especially in the walkways. Ensure all counter tops are clear and clean, wipe down appliances and make sure that all dishes are out of sight. Remove any other obstacles that may hide the positive aspects of the property.

Smells can work wonders for the psyche. Keep air fresheners in the cupboards, bathrooms and kitchen. Keep a set of fresh attractive towels in each bathroom. Fresh, nice smelling flowers can brighten up the space. Brewing coffee or scented candles are also great for ambience.

Soft, pleasant music in the background helps set the tone. Always put the properties features in the spotlight. As an example if you have a lovely enclosed patio for entertaining, try and make that space look it's best in order to draw potential buyers to it.

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