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Mastering Moving Day
The moving process is marked by change, anticipation, stress, and excitement. Saying goodb...
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4 Factors that Impact your Attractiveness as a Tenant
In summary, certain factors impact the attractiveness of a rental applicant, and understan...
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When Will I Get My Deposit Back?
The Rental Housing Act is clear regarding rental deposits.
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Renting Property vs Buying Property
There are advantages and disadvantages to owning a home vs renting a home. Comparing the t...
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Deceased Estates
A deceased estate comes into existence when a person dies, leaving property or a document...
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Mould and Damp – Who’s Responsible in a Rental Agreement?
Mould and damp in rental properties are often a cause for contention between landlords and...
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Why Tenants prefer to Rent Professionally Managed Properties
Just like most property owners have some serious concerns about any new tenant moving into...
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Have your Rental Application Ready!
Demand for rental stock is expected to increase in the months surrounding the festive seas...
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First Time Renters
What to consider before moving out of home. Before planning your sweet escape from home, t...
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Advice for First-Time Renters
As a student, job market entrant or young professional looking to rent for the first time,...
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The 'No-Pets' Policy
Understandably the ‘no pets’ policy is a sensitive and sometimes contentious issue between...
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Beware Fraudulent Estate Agents!
Potential tenants are vulnerable to being targeted by individuals who are posing as estate...
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What are the Risks of Signing Surety?
What is Surety? Oftentimes in the case of students or newly qualified individuals looking...
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The Benefits of Renting in SA's Current Economic Climate
In light of our current economic climate – rising interest and inflation rates, sluggish e...
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What Information & Documents are required for a Rental Application?
Quality rental stock is in high demand and short supply
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What is a Credit Score?
A Credit Score is the numerical information recorded on an individual’s bureau credit repo...
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Healthy Credit Habits for Renters
Whether you're renting or buying, having a good credit record is essential to ensuring tha...
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Buying vs Renting - who wins?
Some people prefer being called citizens of the world and others like to have roots in one...
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Tips on Decorating Rental Apartments
The majority of people at one time or another in their lives will rent an apartment. Affor...
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