Unprecedented Loadshedding has Influenced Buyer Preference

In their September Property Barometer, FNB's Special Report delves into the enduring impact of persistent loadshedding on buyer preferences in the domestic market over the past year. The consistent power outages during the last 12 months have prompted buyers, particularly in the affordable housing market, to prioritise homes equipped with solar power systems, demonstrating a willingness to pay a premium for such properties.


Data from the FNB Estate Agents Survey for Q3 reveals a shifting trend among buyers, with a growing interest in properties featuring solar power systems, notably in the affordable housing market. Most real estate agents note that buyers are willing to pay up to an additional 5% of the purchase price for homes with solar solutions, though it may exceed 15% in specific cases. Conversely, in higher-priced property markets, the presence of pre-installed energy solutions holds less sway in purchasing decisions. Wealthier buyers in these segments tend to prefer customisation options over pre-existing energy solutions.


The increased demand for homes with pre-installed energy alternatives arises from the tangible effects of frequent power outages on buyers' daily lives and work. Loadshedding has emerged as a disruptive force, causing inconvenience and interruptions in routine activities. In response, buyers now place a higher value on the reliability and independence offered by solar power solutions. Beyond the convenience of an uninterrupted electricity supply, these buyers recognise the significance of having a dependable power source for work-related activities, ensuring uninterrupted productivity even during power disruptions. The willingness to pay a premium for such properties reflects a strategic investment in a more resilient and self-sufficient lifestyle, where energy alternatives serve as a proactive solution to mitigate the challenges posed by inconsistent power supply.

Strategic Insights for Sellers:

Sellers can extract valuable insights from this article to navigate market dynamics successfully. By comprehending the increasing buyer preference for homes with solar power systems, sellers can tailor their offerings to align with current demand. Recognising the potential to elevate property value through the incorporation of pre-installed energy alternatives provides a competitive advantage. However, sellers must remain cognisant that the impact and demand for these solutions differ across market segments, prompting the need for a nuanced approach. While essential for affordable housing buyers, those in higher-priced markets may prioritise customisation over pre-existing energy solutions.



Careful consideration of pricing strategy is imperative. Despite a competitive market with various energy solutions, the initial cost of installing energy alternatives remains high. Most affordable market buyers are willing to pay, at most, an additional 5% of the purchase price for pre-installed energy solutions. These buyers perceive the investment in homes with such features as a strategic move towards a more resilient and self-sufficient lifestyle. Sellers can capitalise on this perspective by highlighting the reliability and independence offered by energy alternatives. However, sellers should be cautious, acknowledging distinctions and tailoring marketing strategies accordingly to avoid overcapitalising in attempts to attract buyers in a subdued market.