Why people love to buy or sell their homes in the spring and summer months

Spring and hope are intertwined in the mind, body, and soul. In spring, nature conspires with biology and psychology to spark the basic needs that underlie hope: attachment, mastery, survival, and spirituality.


It is true that hope does not melt away in the summer; it is not rendered fallow in autumn, nor does it perish in the deep freeze of winter. But none of these other seasons can match the bounty of hope that greets us in the spring. (By Anthony Scioli - professor of psychology)


The Attraction of Buying in Spring

The word location, pops into our heads when thinking about buying property however, timing should be right up there with the location of the property.


Springtime is a popular time of year for most buyers to start looking at property. Most buyers want to get settled into a new home to reap the benefits of lush gardens, crisp blue swimming pools and the general glow we find around us during this beautiful time of year.  Buying in Spring and having the summer to enjoy the new home appeals to many.


Longer Days

In September our days start to get longer, in a good way. There is much to be said about our increase in energy in the warmer months and the willingness to get out of the house. As a result, buyers are out there looking at homes, more buyers mean more foot traffic to your home and more opportunities for you to sell your home in a timely manner.


There is now a larger pool of potential buyers who’ve done their due diligence and are likely financially ready to buy. They will use these longer days wisely especially on weekends.  The great thing about house hunting in spring is that it’s warmer but not so scorching hot that you need to be at home in the pool.


Improved Curb Appeal

It is a lot easier to make your property look more appealing to prospective buyers in spring simply by ensuring a manicured garden, clean blue swimming pool and open windows and doors allowing fresh air and natural light into your home. Your patio, lapa, balcony, or garden can look so inviting right now compared to other times of the year.  That’s why smart sellers take advantage of this bonus of improved curb appeal in spring.


More Attractive Pricing For The Selller

More buyers = more competition from other buyers … which means less chance of having to negotiate your price down, ultimately, a higher sales price for you.


In saying this, the smart seller will ensure that he/she has done their homework and the price of their property is market related. The fact is that in this market overpriced properties may just cause the prospective buyer to find their new home elsewhere.


In fact, it is highly beneficial to have a comparative market analysis done by an experienced Estate Agent in the area.  At Etchells and Young our agents always do a comparative market analysis before determining the correct market price for your property. 


Now You Can Find Your Next Dream Home

If you are serious about selling your home, it is likely that you are eager to move on to better prospects.


All the reasons listed above translate to your own experience as a buyer as well. Buying and selling can be stressful, and you want the best price in the shortest time possible.


This is just another reason why spring is the best time to buy and/or sell your property.
