Our applications department complete a comprehensive credit bureau and criminal check using TPN (Tenant Profile Network), with access to the tenant's profile and rental payment patterns.
Employment confirmation with the tenants employer via telephone to ensure we are speaking to a real company. Our applications team is trained in identifying fraudulent applications.
Verification of salary via the employer’s HR Dept to ensure that the information the tenant has provided in their application is correct, as well as to ensure their affordability.
Verify the bank account number provided with the banking institution. Our application specialist scrutinises the tenant's spending habits to ensure that the tenant will comfortably be able to afford the monthly rental, and that past rental payments have been paid in full from his bank account.
Obtain tenant references from current or previous landlord, and inquire specifically about prompt rental payment and if the tenant looked after the property.
You are entrusting your entire property asset to the tenant. At Etchells & Young our dedicated applications department applies strict screening criteria to ensure we place a qualified, paying tenant in your property.