When it comes to saving electricity at home, every bit helps. It may seem like a drop in the ocean at first, but all the small bits you save in and around your home add up. By making a few simple changes to the way you use electricity, you can cut down your electricity bill by up to 10%. Whats more, if you invest in energy-saving devices, you can save 30% or more simply by putting an end to electricity wastage.
Hot plates retain heat, so turn off the stove before you have finished cooking. It won’t affect your food, only your electricity bill.
Install a Heat Pump, which can potentially cut your water heating costs by up to 67% compared to a regular geyser.
For every hour you use your tumble dryer, you could have cooked 48 meals in your microwave, more than a month’s worth of dinners.
Switch off lights, unplug appliances, turn the geyser to 60°C and use hot water sparingly. Rather iron with a thermostat controlled iron and iron large batches of clothes in 1 go: the average iron uses the same amount of electricity as ten 100 watt light bulbs. Appliances on standby can use up to 50% of the power that they normally operate at. Switch off appliances at the power button & you’ll save money immediately.
Check the seal on your fridge. A damaged seal can make your fridge consume more electricity due to the cold air escaping.
The average kettle operates at ±1900 watts. The more water you boil the more electricity you use. Only boil the water you need at that moment.
Energy efficient lighting options are readily available today. LED and CFL light bulbs consume much less electricity than conventional incandescent light bulbs & last 6 to 8 times longer.