Tips on Decorating on a Budget

Recession, petrol hikes, electricity price increases and all other buzz phrases can overwhelm anyone into believing that revamping your home is near impossible as salaries are already stretched to the limit. Stacy Risenmay said “If you wait until you have enough money to decorate and make your home your own, it will never happen. If you wait until you can afford to buy everything new, you are missing the point. It is the old, the new, the hand-me-down, the collected, the worn but loved things in your home that make it your own.” and living in a home that is tired and uninspiring will not prompt you to rush home after a hectic day at work. At the very least, your home should be your favorite place in the world to retreat to. With that in mind we have compiled eleven tips to help jump-start decorating your abode.


Create a dream-list

Before you start buying and going on bargain hunts make a list of all the changes, additions and upholstery you would want in a perfect world. Pretend like money is no object. This will give you an idea of what you want your home to eventually look like. Remember decorating is not a once off thing, it is a continual process. As we evolve, our tastes and preferences evolve with us but the core of which we are never changes.


Plan, Plan, Plan

Planning is half the job done. When you go out in search of items of your choice with a plan in hand, it makes it easier to know where and when to go and how much you are willing to spend. To help keep organised use a spreadsheet to track your progress as well as your budget tally.


Keep an eye out of Discounts and Sales

Just because you love something does not mean you have to break the bank to acquire it. Wait for seasonal and yearend sales and that item you had been eyeing may be marked down to fit your budget.



Ever heard of the saying “one man’s junk is another man’s treasure”? Things that other people find useless may be that one piece that completes the look you are going for. Shopping at thrift stores, church bazaars, auctions, flea markets and yard sales often yield amazing pieces at next-to-nothing prices.    


Throw rules out the Window

When it comes to furniture pieces – there are no rules. Mix and match furniture pieces, for example use different chairs for the dining room table. This gives the room a vintage and fun element, it tells a story and it is a great conversation starter. If you like uniformity, paint the chairs and table one color. 


Consider main Items and Technology

There are certain things that you cannot skimp out on for example a new TV or couches. When it comes to technology buying cheap does not mean you struck it lucky. Quality should be a non-negotiable otherwise you will end up having to deal with the headaches of constant repairs and at times replacements. The same goes for main items. Unless you have a keen eye for good quality second-hand items like couches and beds, it is better to pay that extra bit to ensure that the item will last a long time.


A pot of Gold

Gold accessories scattered around the home give a glamorous appeal. Take an old mirror or lamp that you have, paint it gold and it will give the room extra sparkle.      



For affordable exterior upgrade, give your front door a new coat of paint. Use an unusual color. This will give your house character and modernizes the look of the home.



NEVER stick to fashion when decorating your house. Fashion and fads quickly fade away and will leave you thinking “what was I thinking?” Keep your home timeless with unique pieces. If you must fall for some fashion trends use cushions and throws which will not break your bank.      



You don’t always have to buy new things to revamp your home. Turn a fresh eye to what you already have especially in the kitchen. Remember your great-grandmother’s china that has been shoved in the back of the kitchen cupboard? Use a small bowl or plate to hold soap in the bathroom or hang some plates on the wall. You can also use an old wine rack to hold rolled towels.